How Can You Help Your Team Avoid Layoffs?

10 foolproof rules to make your team bulletproof.

Storm Chasers at a safe(ish) distance

Read Time: 1 minute

Nothing is truly foolproof. 

But small changes can massively improve your odds of success.

And I keep getting asked:

“How can I protect my team from layoffs?”

Here's how I'd prepare my team to weather the coming storm.

1. Know the Score

Where does your company stand? Cutting headcount? Cutting costs? 

You need to align your effort 100% in support of that reality.

2. Pre-negotiate Success

You should have done it months ago, but agree now:

"When my team hits this one number, the year is a huge success."

3. Ruthlessly Edit

Work backward from winning. What are the key problems to solve? 

Flood the zone until the dam breaks. Then, hunt the new bottleneck.

4. Act Like An Owner

For every dollar your customer gives you, return multiples in value.

Act swiftly if someone on your team turns a dollar into fifty cents.

5. Settle Old Debts

Unresolved problems accrue psychic interest. Clear them out. 

Then sit down with your boss and close the books on them.

6. Call In New Favors

Those relationships you and your team invested in? 

Now's the time to make one high-impact ask of each of them.

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