A 3-minute diagnostic to decide if it's time to take a step back
Plus 3 Simple Tactics to Cultivate Constructive Disagreement
Most look to Improve. The best obsess with how to Compound.
The Performance Reviews Survival Guide + Leadership Q&A Coaching
Use my free "Keep Stop Start" template to engineer the productive feedback you need to win.
Learn how to master the delicate dance of managing up.
Unexpected lessons from the heart of Music City
Learn from a skeptic turned advocate about how to make the most of it when you do
Why confusing the two is a recipe for regret. Plus how you can avoid it.
Plus a heatmap template to help you hone in on employee hotspots
What your manager really wants to know when they ask how things are going.
And why doing less, not more, is the answer to so many of them.